I swear, sometimes when I want to revert back to my childhood, all I need to do is switch on all of my top Disney songs and instantly, I am transported into my childhood! While these might be my favorite Disney songs, I know there are a few out there that I've missed, so don't forget to share some of your favorites in the comments! For now, let's take a look at my top Disney songs that I couldn't live without!
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Beauty and The Beast was a movie that I loved! I thought that the candlestick was amazing, the clock was so adorable and the entire concept of this particular song was so, so cute! This song is exactly what Disney is all about and it's truly one incredible song! Plus, the rendition of it during Descendants is AWESOME!!!
2. Something There - Beauty and the Beast
Another song off the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack, you can't help but love this song about them falling in love. It's just so sweet and as I got older and listened to it, it made so much more sense than when I was a kid!
3. Tale as Old as Time - Beauty and the Beast
Okay would it really be a Disney song list without this one?! It's iconic! There's not much that can be said because everyone knows this song!
4. I Just Can't Wait to Be King – the Lion King
Of course, I have to start out my list of top Disney songs with The Lion King! This song is still one of my favorites of all time! It's a cute song that is honestly amazing to listen to if you really want to sneak back into your childhood! Who doesn't love The Lion King and who just can't wait to be king?
5. A Whole New World – Aladdin
Another song that I don't think that I could ever do without is this one! When Aladdin came out, I thought that it was the best movie in the world! This song though? It's incredible! Just one listen to this song and I'm back in my jammies, in my parents' house, watching Aladdin for the 300th time! So, so cute and such a great song!
6. Reflection – Mulan
Now, I didn't exactly watch Mulan when I was a kid, but this is one of those songs that really tugs at my heartstrings! Such a great song for anyone to listen to! The entire movie is one of my favorites, but this song truly tops the list for me!
7. Colors of the Wind – Pocahontas
Oh how I loved Pocahontas when I was a kid! This song – it's amazing. Not only is the message moving, but the entire song itself was such a huge part of my childhood, I love it! If you are looking to slip back into your childhood for a little while, try listening to this song!
8. Under the Sea – the Little Mermaid
Who doesn't absolutely love The Little Mermaid? We recently had a Blast from the Past day at work and this incredible movie was playing – and I was so distracted! This song alone is one of the reasons that I love this movie! It's so upbeat and so, so much fun!
9. When Will My Life Begin – Tangled
Now, this is actually one of the newer songs, but that doesn't mean that it should be discounted! I love this song – actually, I love the entire soundtrack, but this song is so cute! The fact that Mandy Moore sings it? It's awesome!
10. Go the Distance – Hercules
I couldn't leave off one of the most important songs out there, could I? Hercules is another favorite movie of mine and this song is totally one of my faves! If you've never seen Hercules, see it and you'll understand why this song is so awesome! So, will you go the distance?
11. Part of Your World – the Little Mermaid
Of course, this Little Mermaid song has to be on my top Disney song list! It's a song all about belonging and really wanting to be part of something huge. If you want a song that is totally old-school but is still amazing to listen to, this is the song for you!
12. Can You Feel the Love Tonight – the Lion King
You know I had to include The Lion King again, right? I started with it and I ended with it! I had to because this song is just amazing. I listen to this song constantly, no matter what playlist I am listening to and I can't get enough of it!
These are just a few of the songs that I absolutely love and that I can't live without! Do you have any Disney songs that top your charts? Give 'em up!
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