This Website Will Tell You Which Song Fits Your Face ...


This Website Will Tell You Which Song Fits Your Face ...
This Website Will Tell You Which Song Fits Your Face ...

According to Reddit, Face Melody will take a detailed look at your face and then tell you which song fits your appearance. It'll also tell you what your "smile level" is and analyze different aspects of your face.

Unfortunately, some pieces of the site aren't written in English, but you should be able to easily navigate the pages as long as you use your common sense. All you really have to do is upload a picture of yourself looking directly at the camera. Then you can sit back and enjoy the music.

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I'm not seeing a link

@neecey Beresford thankz

How do I get it to work?

Find my music woohoo!!!

Nice Website. Shows skin tone as well.

Sound doesn't work on site


Its not working unfortunately

Great website .. No sound though ☹

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