Summer tunes. Summer’s blues. This is the story of my freshman year (in a playlist).
That summed up my mood change from ending summer break and jumping right into college. Then, there comes winter and spring break, which is always nice too.
As a college student, I always had my to go-to playlist for different reasons. One of them being how introverted I was, refusing to start small talk with anyone. I was a shy kid.
It may be a bit over three years since I graduated college, but you may recognize some of these artists and their famous tracks (or, infamous ones; depending how you see it).
So…what was a day like for me? Here's the story of my freshman year (in a playlist).
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1. 5am
John Mayer’s “Waiting on the World to Change” – waking up for the day (for whatever reason, I decided that 7am classes were for the best)
2. 6:45am
John Mayer’s “Half of my Heart” – ah, yes when John and Tay Tay were dating, which made the perfect tune walking from my car to the first class of the day.
3. 7am Class
Seriously, having fifty-minute classes was the best.
4. 8am
Desire’s “Under Your Spell” – That Ryan Gosling’s “Drive” was an awesome film! The soundtrack was just as great, especially when I developed a crush on another fellow film major. It did not help that he was also an actor. Every girl’s dream, right?
5. 8:45am
Darkness’ “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” – I was so emotional and easily got upset when the boy did not seem to notice me, or was just not interested. I had a tendency of matching my mood to the perfect song. Plus, this was pre-Tay Tay’s “Shake It Off.”
6. 9am Class
I got through another one and then more music.
7. 10-10:45am
Drake and The Doors - honestly, anything during my lunch break. Something to kill the time before my following back-to-back last two classes.
8. 11am Class
Almost done!
9. 12pm
John Mayer’s “Half of my Heart” – what can I say, I was obsessed with this tune, always something that felt right to start and end the day with while walking back to my car.