The Definitive Soundtrack of the Early '00s for People Feeling Nostalgic ...

Lyndsie Jul 25, 2022

The Definitive Soundtrack of the Early '00s for People Feeling Nostalgic ...
The Definitive Soundtrack of the Early '00s for People Feeling Nostalgic ...

So many people love the music of the 1990s, and I'm one of them so I can totally get behind that. The late '90s, in particular, had some of the best songs – but that might be my nostalgia talking. Those were my high school years, after all. The early '00s, though, they were pretty spectacular, too. Those were my college years, and these are a few of the songs I kept on repeat.

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1. Sugar, We’re Goin down – Fall out Boy

I could choose any number of songs from Fall Out Boy, honestly. They were my not-quite-guilty-pleasure. I still think they have the best song titles ever. Anyway, I chose this one because, well, it's currently summer and this song always makes me think of summertime. It reminds me of teenage nights and risky behavior, even though I never did anything particularly risky when I was a teenager.

2. Mr. Brightside – the Killers

The Killers will always and forever be amazing. This song is still in heavy rotation on just about every playlist I make. I listen to songs from 10 years ago like they were just released, what can I say? Sidenote: "When You Were Young" is another favorite, specifically because it played all the time the summer I met Heather. Every time I listen to it, I'm reminded of that.

3. Umbrella – Rihanna

This is the song that made me fall in love with Rihanna and I've been hooked ever since. It's catchy, you can dance to it, but more than anything, I love that certain sexy something that drips from every note, every lyric, and every beat. I'm a huge fan of the video, as well, but that's just because I generally love looking at Rihanna and she serves up something every time she looks at the camera.

4. I Wanna Be Bad – Willa Ford

Sometimes I play this as I'm getting ready to go out with my wife. Whenever she hears this, she knows, y'all. She knows some stuff.

5. Everywhere – Michelle Branch

This song used to make me feel a little wistful. It still does, to be honest. I didn't like a whole lot of Michelle Branch's stuff, but I loved this. It makes me remember things that never even happened, if that makes a lick of sense at all.

6. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton

To be honest, I like "White Houses" better – every time I listen to it, I cry – but this was the song that introduced me to Vanessa. This song, too, reminds me of my wife, but only after the fact. Listening to it now, I'm always reminded of all the train trips I used to take in the middle of the night, burning up the rails between Utica and Detroit. Well, Toledo. I had to come into the train station in Toledo, but still.

7. Beautiful – Christina Aguilera

This is such a fantastic anthem. Even if you don't love Christina, it carries such an amazing message. I've said it before, I believe, and I'll say it again -- I think this needs to be an anthem for every girl and woman because you are beautiful, no matter what anybody says.

What are some of your favorite tunes from the early '00s? Let's create a playlist together!

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