When you go off to college, your entire life changes. Even though you might have the same friends and hobbies as you did in high school, you're going to be forced to handle a lot of new responsibilities. Of course, it isn't all bad. You'll get to meet new people, go to parties, and learn things you never knew before. Whether your college experience has been amazing or appalling so far, here are a few songs that you should appreciate:
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1. Never Grow up by Taylor Swift
Warning: this song just might make you cry. It's about how scary it can be to live on your own for the first time. Even if you didn't have the best relationship with your parents, you're probably going to end up missing them--or you'll at least end up missing your home town and your carefree childhood. After all, everything was so much easier when you were a kid.
2. White Houses by Vanessa Carlton
This song is all about experiencing new things. It doesn't matter if you're trying to make new friends or if you're ready to lose your virginity, because anything new can be scary. However, it's also incredibly exciting, so enjoy the memories you're making.
Frequently asked questions
A song becomes timeless for college students when it speaks to their experiences and emotions, like friendships, independence, and even the struggles of college life. It's those tracks that you can play years later and still feel the memories flood back.
Absolutely! Think about songs like 'We Are Young' by fun., 'Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)' by Green Day, or 'I Love College' by Asher Roth. These tracks nail that unique blend of fun, nostalgia, and life's big turning points.
Oh, for sure! Songs like 'Old Town Road' by Lil Nas X or 'Blinding Lights' by The Weeknd are already starting to resonate with college students. They have that unique mix of catchy beats and relatable lyrics that could make them timeless.
Not really! Timeless college songs can span rock, pop, hip-hop, and even country. It's more about the vibe and the lyrics than the genre. As long as it resonates, it's fair game.
Certain songs become college anthems because they're often played during unique experiences like parties, road trips, or late-night study sessions. They become the soundtrack to pivotal moments in your life, making them unforgettable.
3. Graduate by Third Eye Blind
Maybe you've been in college for five years and still aren't ready to graduate. Maybe you're a freshman and already want your education to be over. Either way, most students will be able to relate to this song about wanting graduation day to come as fast as it can.
4. Step off by Kacey Musgraves
The drama from high school doesn't go away after you graduate. Unfortunately, adults can be just as immature as children can be. That's why this song can come in handy when you're in a bad mood. You should listen to it when you just want those mean girls from your rival sorority to leave you alone.
5. Mr. Watson
When you're younger, it might've felt creepy to have a crush on your teacher. However, when you enter college, there's usually a smaller age difference between you and your professors. That means that there's a big chance that you'll end up falling for one of them--or at least finding them attractive. After all, they're more mature than your fellow students.
6. Manic Monday by the Bangles
No one wants to wake up on a Monday to start their school week. Sundays are much more relaxing. That's why every college student in the world should be able to appreciate this song. It's all about how hectic Mondays can be and how amazing the weekend is in comparison.
7. Rejects by 5 Seconds of Summer
If you don't fit in with anyone at your college, then don't feel bad about it. Everyone feels like a reject at some point in their life. It doesn't mean that you're an unlikable person. It just means that you haven't stumbled across the right group of friends yet. It'll happen eventually, so keep your head high and always be yourself!
It doesn't matter if you love school or hate it, because you're taking a path you can be proud of. What other songs do you have a newfound appreciation for now that you're in college?
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