7 Fantastic Music Websites You Have to Bookmark ...

Kelly Dec 25, 2013

7 Fantastic Music Websites You Have to Bookmark ...
7 Fantastic Music Websites You Have to Bookmark ...

For all of the music-junkies out there, the Internet is full of music websites to bookmark and feed your love of music. Music is something that brings people around the world together, which makes the Internet the best place to find new music, share your music with others, and connect with new people over you favorite songs and bands. There are tons of online forums to talk about music, but my favorite music websites are the ones that personalize music to the songs that you want to hear. Regardless of you favorite genre of music, these are some great music websites you might want to bookmark on your computer.

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1. Pandora


This might be one of the most popular music websites, but that is because it might be one of the best. You just type in an artist you are a fan of, and it plays a radio station that has a similar sound to your artist. The amount of different stations I have on my Pandora range from classical music to full on techno music. The one downside to Pandora is the ads they play between the music, but someone has to pay for all of this awesome free radio so I have learned to deal with it.

2. 8Tracks


The amount of playlists on this website is literally never-ending. You put in any tags or artists you can think of, and a user has probably come up with a playlist for you. I love this website for finding new music and listening to great playlists when I need to study or get ready for a night out.

3. Songza


Every wish you could find the perfect playlist for lounging around on a Wednesday afternoon? How about a classy dinner party on a Friday night? Songza takes your situation and turns it into the perfect appropriate playlist for whatever you might be doing. And if you want to live on the wild side, you can browse each and every one of their playlists.

4. Tatsebuds


If you are looking to connect with other people who are passionate about music just like you, Tastebuds is one of the music websites you need to bookmark. You can add your favorite songs and artists and then talk to other people who are a fan. You can introduce each other to new music and find out about what music people around the nation and world are listening to.

5. Songkick


Any fan of concerts can know how hard it can be o find concerts for lesser-known bands. That is where Songkick comes in. Choose your city and it has every single concert going on in your area. It even has local bands performing in small pubs. You can track your favorite artists or find a random show to hit up any night of the week and try a new band you have never heard of.

6. Stereomood


We all wish we could have the perfect soundtrack to go along with our mood. Now with Stereomood, you can. Just type in your mood to the website and it spews out the perfect playlist to suite your mood. You can even get creative with your adjective and choose from moods like “elegant” and “Australia” (I was unaware that Australia was a mood but whatever).

7. Soundcloud


Have you ever listened to a song and loved one part so much you could just die? Well with Soundcloud, you can comment on that song, on that exact part, and share it with the world. This is a great site to bookmark if you have a blog because you can share a song directly into your website. Now you can share you favorite music with all of your readers.

Music is a great way to express yourself, and using the Internet to show your passion for music is great. The opportunities for you to find new music and explore the world of music is endless. What did you think of these music websites to bookmark? What are some other great music websites? Do you love to find new music online or through word of mouth?

Sources: forbes.com,

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

how about grooveshark?

Spotify is the best


Spotify is great

Rdio should definitely be on this list

Aw love it!

You forgot 'last.fm' :)

I have a few but will def check 8Tracks so thank you

Totally beneficial. Thanks poster

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